Groupe(s) de recherche/équipe(s)

Information, Communication and Imaging (ICI)


Autres affiliations (groupes hors ENSEA, groupes trans-institutionnels...)

CYU Cergy Paris Université


Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

Théorie de l’information, théorie des jeux





Groupe(s) de recherche/équipe(s)

Information, Communication and Imaging (ICI)


Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

Mobile Computing for Internet of Things, Wireless Indoor Localization/Sensing, Statistical Signal Processing (RF/Biomedical), Machine Learning Technologies




Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

My research work is structured along the following 4 major axes :

  • Machine Learning Systems : Feature Selection Algorithms for High Dimensional Data, Data Diagnosis and Explanation in ML Pipelines, Automated Feature Engineering over Relational Data, Ethical and Transparent Data Engineering and Modeling
  • Data Science and Big Data Computing : Continuous Top-k Queries, Web Scale Entity Resolution, Motif Extraction & Drift Detection in Data Series, Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Data Streams, Aspect-based Text Summarization, Data Quality of Crowd-Measurements
  • Databases and Semantic Web Information Systems : XML/RDF Storage and Indexing Schemes, Semantics-aware Data Models and Query Languages, Heterogeneous Information Integration, XML/RDF Change Management, Graphical Query Interfaces
  • Digital Libraries and Scientific Systems : Personalization and Preference Management, Peer-to-Peer Data and Knowledge Management Systems, Data Flow Systems, Description and Composition of e-services, Data Provenance and Annotation Management


Activités d'enseignement

  • Object-oriented Programming – Java : Informatique Mineure, Group International (2nd year)
  • Statistics and Numerical Methods : Signal Majeure, Group International (2nd year)
  • Big Data Computing : Option Intelligence Artificielle & Big Data (2nd year)
  • Machine Learning : Option Signal & Intelligence Artificielle (SIA) (3nd year)
  • Introduction to Machine Learning : Research Master in Data Science & Machine Learning (DSML)
  • Introduction to Databases : Research Master in Data Science & Machine Learning (DSML)
  • Transparency and Fairness in AI and Big Data Algorithms : Research Master in Data Science & Machine Learning (DSML)


Activités communautaires (comités, sociétés savantes, distinctions...)

Awards And Distinctions
BDA 2021 Best Paper Award

  • Tutorial Chair

1. 23nd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Biarritz, France, October 30-November 3, 2022
2. 21st International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), Biarritz, France, May 18-21, 2021


  • PC Member

1. Int’l ACM SIGMOD Conference, 2023 & 2024
2. IEEE Data Engineering Conference (ICDE), 2023
3. Int’l Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2020, 2023
4. Int’l Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE) 2022
5. EXPLAIN’AI Workshop co-located with 22th French Conference EGC 2022, 2023


  • Steering Committees

1. Member of the EDBT Association (since 2014) and of the Executive Board (since 2019)
2. Member of the MADICS Action on Human Explainable machine Learning Pipelines (since 2022)


  • Expert in Scientific Programs

1. ERC Advanced Grant, Reviewer 2020, 2021
2. CY Initiative of Excellence, Fellows-in-Residence Prog. 2020,2021 (Member of the Reviewing Board)


  • International Scientific Associations

1. ACM member (since 2000)
2. IEEE member (since 2020)


  • National Scientific Associations

1. Member of the GdR MaDICS of CNRS
2. Member of the GdR IA of CNRS



I have published over 155 articles in their majority in top-tiered journals (ACM TODS, TWEB and Computing Surveys, IEEE TKDE, Springer Machine Learning Journal, Distributed and Parallel Databases and Internet Computing) and conferences (ACM SIGMOD, PODS and CIKM, IEEE ICDE, EDBT, ICDT ECAI, WWW)
My research work was driven by the need to manage, process and analyze post-relational data (semi–or unstructured) in centralized, distributed and streaming settings often in the context of other scientific fields (e.g., Cultural Heritage, Environmental Sciences, Educational Sciences, etc.)
A list of my recent publications is available at




Groupe(s) de recherche/équipe(s)

Information, Communication and Imaging (ICI)


Autres affiliations (groupes hors ENSEA, groupes trans-institutionnels...)

Barkhausen Institut


Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

5G, 6G, wireless security


Activités d'enseignement

Digital Communications, Fundamentals of Cryptography, IoT Security



  • PFE/Master Thesis
  • Doctorats/PhD


Activités communautaires (comités, sociétés savantes, distinctions...)

IEEE, Chair of IEEE Physical Layer Security Focus Group, TPC Chair of the IEEE ICC 2023, Associate Editor in Chief of the IEEE ComSoc Best Readings






Principaux domaines de recherche / d'activité 

  • Signal processing
  • Signal processing for wireless communications
  • Learning and optimization for wireless communications


Activités d'enseignement 

  • Signal processing
  • Wireless communications



  • Stages courts de recherche
  • PFE/Master Thesis
  • Doctorats/PhD


Activités communautaires (comités, sociétés savantes, distinctions...)

CoNRS section 7 (comité national de la recherche scientifique)







Groupe(s) de recherche/équipe(s)



Autres affiliations (groupes hors ENSEA, groupes trans-institutionnels...)

Membre du Conseil scientifique CAD-CAP (Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Capsule endoscopy)


Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Smart Embedded Systems, Health applications


Activités d'enseignement

Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Electronics



  • Stages courts de recherche
  • PFE/Master Thesis
  • Doctorats/PhD


Activités communautaires (comités, sociétés savantes, distinctions...)






Groupe(s) de recherche/équipe(s)

Multimedia Indexing & Data Integration (MIDI)


Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

  • Découverte de schéma pour les données du Web Sémantique
  • Data mining, recommandation et prédiction : Apprentissage automatique non supervisé (Clustering), Apprentissage automatique supervisé (Classification) et Règles d'association
  • Optimisation de la recherche et Big Data


Activités d'enseignement

  • Web Sémantique : RDF(S)/OWL, SPARQL, Protégé, etc
  • Conception et analyse de bases de données : UML, SQL, Oracle, SQL Developer, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, EasyPHP, WampServer
  • Data mining, recommandation et prédiction : Apprentissage automatique non supervisé (Clustering), Apprentissage automatique supervisé (Classification) et Règles d'association
  • Algorithmique et Structures de Données
  • Programmation Orientée Objets : Java, C++, C#
  • Autre langages de programmation : C



  • Stages courts de recherche
  • PFE/Master Thesis


Activités communautaires (comités, sociétés savantes, distinctions..)

Organization d'un tutorial sur la thématique de ma thèse de doctorat (découverte de schéma pour les données du Web Sémantique) : Tutorial on Semantic Schema Discovery. The 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2022



Publications avec acte et comité de lecture

  • [1] K. Kellou-Menouer, N. Kardoulakis, G. Troullinou, Z. Kedad, D. Plexousakis and H

Kondylakis. A Survey on Semantic Schema Discovery. Very Large Data Base Journal (VLDB
Journal) 2022

  • [2] K. Kellou-Menouer, N. Kardoulakis, G. Troullinou, Z. Kedad, D. Plexousakis and H

Kondylakis. Tutorial on Semantic Schema Discovery. The 21st International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC) 2022

  • [3] N. Kardoulakis, K. Kellou-Menouer, G. Troullinou, Z. Kedad, D. Plexousakis and H

Kondylakis. Demo on Hybrid and Incremental Type Discovery for Large RDF Data Sources.
The 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2022

  • [4] N. Kardoulakis, K. Kellou-Menouer, G. Troullinou, Z. Kedad, D. Plexousakis and H

Kondylakis. HInT : Hybrid and Incremental Type Discovery for Large RDF Data Sources. The
33rd International Conference on Scientic and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM)

  • [5] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. SchemaDecrypt++ : Parallel On-line Versioned Schema

Inference for Large Semantic Web Data Sources. Information Systems Journal, 2020

  • [6] R. Bouhamoum, K. Kellou-Menouer, Z. Kedad and Stéphane Lopes. Scaling Up Schema

Discovery for RDF Datasets. 9th workshop on Data Engineering meets the Semantic Web
(DESWeb) in conjunction with 34th International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE,

  • [7] K. Kellou-Menouer, Z. Kedad. On-line Versioned Schema Inference for Large Semantic

Web Data Sources. 29th International Conference on Scientic and Statistical Database
Management, SSDBM, 1-12, 2017

  • [8] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. A Self-Adaptive and Incremental Approach for Data

Proling in the Semantic Web. International Journal for Transactions on Large-Scale Data
and Knowledge-Centered Systems, TLDKS, 108-133, 2016

  • [9] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. Class Annotation Using Linked Open Data. OTM

Conferences, 709-726, 2016

  • [10] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. Schema Discovery in RDF Data Sources. International

Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER, 481-495, 2015

  • [11] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. Evaluating the Gap between a Dataset and Its Schema.

Workshop Quality of Models and Models of Quality in conjunction with the International
Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER), QMMQ, 283-292, 2015

  • [12] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. Discovering Types in RDF Datasets. Extended Semantic

Web Conference, ESWC, 77-81, 2015

  • [13] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. A Clustering Based Approach for Type discovery in

RDF Data Sources. Conférence internationale sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances,
EGC, 471-472, 2015

  • [14] K. Kellou-Menouer and Z. Kedad. Using Clustering for Type Discovery in the Semantic

Web. Workshop Fouille de Données Complexes, FDC, 2015
*Very Large Data Base Journal (VLDBJ), Information Systems Journal et la conférence ICDE
sont classés A* ; SSDBM, ER et ESWC sont des conférences classées A. (CORE Conference





Groupe(s) de recherche/équipe(s)

Design Research Group / Groupe de Recherche en Design Social


Autres affiliations (groupes hors ENSEA, groupes trans-institutionnels...)

Nexa Center for Internet & Society, Politecnico di Torino


Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

EN : Philosophy of Technology, Epistemology, Science and Technology Studies, Art & Sciences, Digital Humanities

FR : Philosophie des techniques, épistémologie, études sociales des sciences & techniques, art & science, humanités numériques


Activités d'enseignement

Design Thinking, Innovation & Creativity, Ethics of Biomedical Technology, Art & Science, Music & Technology Philosophy of technology



  • Stages courts de recherche
  • PFE/Master Thesis
  • Doctorats/PhD


Activités communautaires (comités, sociétés savantes, distinctions...)

GDR Internet, IA & Société








Groupe(s) de recherche/équipe(s)

Multimedia Indexing & Data Integration (MIDI)


Autres affiliations (groupes hors ENSEA, groupes trans-institutionnels...)

Pari Mutuel Urbain


Principaux domaines de recherche/d'activité

Deep Learning, Intelligence Artificielle, Détection d'Objet, Tracking d'Objet


Activités d'enseignement

  • TP Deep Learning SIA, Projet SIA
  • TP Majeure Signal
  • Intervention en Option IA



  • Stages courts de recherche
  • PFE/Master Thesis