Following the Audace 2023 strategic plan adopted by its executive boards at the end of 2018, ENSEA is proud to announce the launch of the #BeyondEngineering action plan.

Proposed by Laurence Hafemeister, who will continue to head the school for 5 years, and her management team, this action plan is based on the AUDACE 2023 strategy co-built by all the institution's stakeholders throughout 2018. It consists of 5 programs and 14 ambitious and innovative projects that will be implemented over the next 5 years. The objective is to enable all users of the ENSEA, whether students, teachers, researchers, administrative and technical staff, to facilitate the expression of their full potential through the development of an efficient, meaningful and opportunity creating training and research ecosystem.

#BeyondEngineering, was built to "think beyond" in the mission of training engineers designing high-tech solutions on one hand, and developing Research that drives Innovation that meets socio-economic challenges and the needs for safe and low-footprint products and services on the other hand. The willingness to put people at the heart of engineering, to take into account the diversity of talents, and to promote both interpersonal skills and know-how.