l'ENSEA : Nos ambitions
Our values: Ambition

Our engineers  will dare to undertake and make decisions.

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Our Values: Expertise

Our students are generalist engineers experts in all electronics fields

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Our values: Open-mindedness

  ENSEA engineers are enthusiastic, open-minded and curious about the world around them.

Course and school life

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Coming study in France with the FAME program was such an opportunity

Our formations

In 3 years, ENSEA trains generalist engineers in the sectors of electronics, information technology, energy management and embedded systems.
  • Professionalizing training
  • A wide range of options
  • International mobility of at least 4 months
Training in direct contact with the needs of companies in project management and business life, in apprenticeship or through continuing education.
  • Work-linked training between school and company
  • Double supervision Teacher / Master of learning
  • a Technical Manager profile
Doctoral training through five specialties of the Research Master M2 "Intelligent and Communicating Systems" of the "Computer Science and Engineering of Complex Systems" (IISC) specialization
  • Possibility of internship and thesis abroad, in industry or in the laboratory
  • 5 paths of excellence in Intelligent and Communicating Systems

Reputed & international partners

Technische Universitat Munchen (new window)

Strategic Establishment Plan

Beyond Engineering: going "beyond" engineering

Au delà de l'ingénierie à l'ENSEA, école d'ingénieur