Once you've seen Versailles, you wish you'd do it again! Not only can you see it as it is now, but thanks to our Etis team, it is now possible to see it at different periods of history.

Thanks to VERSPERA project, lead by the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, some spaces of the domains are now available for 3D on-line visits. This modelisation is made with a software developped by ENSEA ETIS lab (Information and Processing System team, CNRS /ENSEA Cergy / Université de Cergy-Pontoise). It required to scan some very old documents and maps, often on a large unusal scale (meters of paper).


This technology can be used on any buillding which has been drawn, and allows us to expect a whole new serie of discovering through our architectural patrimony.


More informations about it on CNRS website and Chateau de Versailles concerning VERSPERA.